Money Matters


Many staff performance issues in the workplace are the result of staff worrying about their financial situation.

Understanding money matters and being able to budget effectively removes the temptation to break company policies and procedures and/or break the law.

This programme provides the understanding and tools necessary to enable your staff to implement a basic, yet effective, financial budget for themselves and their families.

This programme is particularly useful if you find you receive regular requests for garnishee orders or soft loans and need to remove this practise from your business. 

This course contains personal and smart ways of budgeting and provides staff with practical examples.


Tempo’s Approach

  • We focus on legislative  requirements
  • We break down the concepts into easily understandable content.


Who Should Attend?

  • All staff



  • The facilitated session runs for a half day
  • The online course can be completed within 4 hours.


The Course Includes

  • A full colour manual
  • Templates for the required sections
  • Relevant assessment of competence.



  • Your employees will understand the importance of budgeting and saving
  • They will learn the basics of sound budgeting
  • They will see the importance of living within their means
  • They will understand the harsh consequences of overspending and having loan accounts that cannot be paid.